8.Vaccine Diplomacy still on Peek Germany refuses to remove Vaccine Patent for Mass Production in India.
8.Vaccine Diplomacy Still on Peek. Germany refuses to remove Vaccine Patent for Mass Production in India. Few days Back America was to ready remove patent of their Vaccines, But now Germany opposed the U.S. decision, by claiming that there is no any Huge Rise in Vaccine Production by Removing its Patent, and describes Patent Gives fair Protection to Information and Knowledge, and increases innovation. But Many believes It help allot to Poor Countries, and Large scale to Persons Who Needed first like Our country India.
Last Countries Like India and South Africa with other 60 Countries approached to WTO(World Trade Organization) to remove patent on Temporary Basis so that it Will Beneficial to whole world. WTO welcomes this Initiatives. Germany believes by Removing the Patent, will not increase the Mass Production, because the Reason is The Raw Material insufficiency and High quality Standard. So It let back all European Countries decisions in the favor of WTO.