Indian Covid-19 variant will be called as Delta.

Indian Covid-19 variant will be called as Delta, internationally across the globe, recently all the new variant of SARS-CoV-2 was renamed to avoid racism.

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Recent naming structure of Covid-19 variants

However, there has been a huge kind of various variant of this Corona Virus across the globe. The variant of concern column, has covid-19 variants which are spreading too much faster.

The new variant found in India was B16172 renamed as Delta.

Instead, variant of interest also are the mutated version of coronavirus from cross the globe, but the chances of this Corona Virus spread is very less.

Brazilian Gamma Variant has very less spreading capabilities but have huge impact on our Body’s Immune system. However Delta variant has too much spreading capacity than the other mutant of Covid-19, and has less effect on our immune system compared to other Corona Virus variant.

Although WHO is using this nomenclature for naming various mutant variant of Covid-19, further in future WHO will come with the proper nomenclature for naming all kind of various mutant.

The point of concern here is to not spread racism among the people for any country religion and culture. Further there was no any guideline for naming any new virus before 2015, but after that WHO changed the rule to not spread racism, like ebola virus aur Spanish flu.

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Chart of the Nomenclature.

Recently, there has been huge cases of racism encountered around the globe, like America.

Some of the global newspaper had pointed it as Indian Variant, which was inappropriate for the Indian living there, they may face racism among the other, so it was wide Decision of WHO. Keeping in mind that after this Corona Virus, the will face huge negative drift with negative mind for Asians too living in defferent places, however there has been a speculations to Name this Corona Virus as Chinese Virus, but it may Increased hatred towards Asian especially Chinese, Japanese, Korean Living in another country, there has been a several cases of racism had been reported few times ago.

Harsh but True Senario, western media earned allot by diluting our Country image during 2nd wave of Covid-19, by showing off dead body of Covid-19 patients, and pointing out to Indian Variant impact, and suggesting as what we must done, there has case when US had 26/11 incident but no any media had shown dead body image, instead they had shown help image, but World media don’t consider as important country, they had never shown wider better side of us, from few years they all blaming, defaming Our Country image across the globe.

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